Welcome to the JavaScript Bootcamp (Fall 2022)! Let's introduce ourselves 🎉

Hello fellow learners! I am excited to learn and grow my knowledge base by getting up to date training. I live in Iowa and work for the VA Hospital remotely. Glad to be a part of this class. Also a 20 year Army Vet and Buffalo Bills fan… Go Bills!

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Looking forward to the bootcamp
Daniel, from the UK

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Abreham, from Ethiopia

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Hola Ramón this is ZenSir!!! this time I can do it I know I will!! wish me luck!

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Hi all
My name is Tiffany. I currently work Ft as Help Desk Analyst at a hospital in Chicago. while I enjoy helping people, I wanted to learn something different. I graduated from school with concentration in Web Design back in 2012. The technology now is so advanced compared to when I was attending school. I recently graduated from boot camp this year with Generation USA. However, I feel I need more experience and practice with JavaScript. I recently joined another boot camp called Frontend Foxes. I eventually want to become a full stack developer and start my own business. I think Javascript is probably the hardest to learn on the Front-End part. I hope with joining this class I learn Javascript better and look forward to learning with all of you.

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Hello Everyone!
My name is Offor from Nigeria. I’m a starter in Front-end Web Development and looking forward to broaden my knowledge in JavaScript through this bootcamp.

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would also like to know. I will have to work at that time too.

Hi I am Peipei, from China, living and working in Germany. Love cats/dogs/bike/bubble tea


Hello I’m Michael L. from New Jersey, looking forward to learning this topic

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Hi Ramon and all others in this course :slight_smile: I’m Sandra and I also live in Austria (Lower Austria, near Vienna). I hope to learn a lot as I’ve recently tried to learn a bit of JS but wasn’t too successful without further explanations/someone to ask for the why and abouts. Hope this bootcamps clarifies a few of my questions and looking forward to the start :smiley:



My name is Aranvihn and I am from Michigan, US. I’ve taken some programming classes in school but never really felt confident enough to finish them. My husband is pushing to do this as I keep talking about how I want to but have no confidence. I hope to be able to complete this boot camp, get some confidence, and learn a lot.

Warm regards.

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Hi everyone, I am Justine from Mombasa, Kenya. I can’t wait to learn and broaden my skills on matters Web Dev, I’m still a student but through this course, I expect highly of my peers and trainer, see you then :innocent: :blush:

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I’m Sara from Yemen , I hope to be a great coder in JS^__^

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Hi everyone, I 'm Mariusz, I 'm from Poland but I’ve been living in Spain for the last 5 years. I 've been working in the coffee industry for several years but decided to change my career path to front-end developer.
For last couple of months I’ve been studying web development on my own. I’m looking forward to starting this JS bootcamp.


Hi everyone! I’m Mia (they/them) and I live in Austin, TX, United States of America. I am working on improving my technical skills. I work in Developer Relations and would love to relate to the folks I serve with my work on a deeper level :slight_smile:

I did the Responsive Web Design certification on freeCodeCamp and this course was the next on my list, so I’m excited to dive in with a cohort! :tada:


Hi everyone :wave: I’m Taylor. I’m a graphic/web/brand designer in the US. My skills have expanded from building custom landing pages, so my HTML and CSS are strong, but I’m struggling to get to the next level and incorporate JavaScript. CSS clicked really easily for me. JS has been a bit tougher of a nut to crack. Looking forward to learning with you all!

Is the stream going to be recorded? I just noticed on the schedule that it will be at 3am my time :sweat_smile:


This is Maria from Greece!I am very glad to be part of this team and i am looking forward to begin! Thank you for this opportunity!


Hi everyone! I’m Nicole. I’m a singer-actor-teacher in the US. I’ve been spending a lot of time this summer diving into coding. I breezed through the fCC Responsive Web Design certification course, but need help with learning JavaScript! I’m looking forward to joining this community. I won’t be able to join the streaming sessions - will a replay be available to watch afterwards?

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Hi Everyone, I’m Cal (she/hers) from the Seattle area. I took a JavaScript class as part of a fullstack bootcamp and I struggled with parts of it. I’ve done some self-learning, improved all my coding skills, and am ready to refresh my JS skills in a group setting. I’m also looking for networking opportunities as I bridge the gap between bootcamp and employment.

Best of luck everyone!!!


I am Stephane. I live in the DC metro area.

My interest is in web.3 and blockchain technologies. Like JavaScript, they rely heavily on object-oriented programming. So, this course will be very helpful in making that transition.

Thanks to you and your team for doing this Ramon!


Hey there guys.
My name is Benjih from Kenya and Currently living Here. I am a full time virtual assistant with a great insight of developing skills into a software engineer. Thankyou Ramon and Code camp for this great opportunity

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