Welcome to the bootcamp + Introductions 🎉

A bit late but hiii everyone! I’m Esther from the Philippines :slight_smile: I’m currently taking up Information technology and I am excited to join this bootcamp, it’s my first time joining one :wink: I am looking forward to learn some new skills and connect with you all


That’s completely right! 50% of HTML will keep you up to speed with the rest of the course, but if you get ahead of us you’ll get some extra chill time later on.


I’m Jose, from Portugal.


Hey Jose! We’re so excited to be learning with you!


Hi, I am Nicola from Italy. I am really happy to have started this course as I have very few notions in this field and would like to improve a lot . I don’t think web design will ever become my full day job, but I really do it for the pleasure to learn new things.
I have a question for Jessy: Is there a pdf/epub document which I could use to study, along with the web courses and the streams? I know. I am old school.


I am Linda, a complete newb. Thank you for having this study group and lessons. I did miss the first study session but I’m hopful that I can catch up.


Hi, I’m Sarah from Nevada, USA. This is my first experience coding, so I’m nervous and excited!


Thank you so much for the info :purple_heart:


Hey everyone! I’m Mat from the United States! Great to be here with you all! Looking forward to learning and programming with you all!


I’d suggest Mozilla’s HTML doc: Introduction to HTML - Learn web development | MDN :wink:


Thank you. I will give a look at the document.


Hello, I am Chetan Singh from India. Very excited to be here


Hey everyone!
I’m Christina/Tish and I’m a children’s librarian by day and a crafter, reader, creative writer, and now coder by night. I enjoy learning new skills and finding fun ways to combine them all into projects.

I’m learning basic web development for a few reasons, including curiosity and a desire to build my own websites in order to organize personal information. I’d really like to create a website dedicated to all the concerts I attend where I can link photographs and videos, bootlegs, setlists, venue information, and more.

I’ve already completed the HTML portion of this course and had started on the CSS when I found out about the Bootcamp so I’ll probably be in and out the first few weeks refreshing myself on the HTML and then more active when we get into the CSS component.

PS: Did anyone else here first learn HTML from NeoPets in the late 90s?


Hi everyone, I hope you’re having an amazing day (or at least a great one)! I can’t wait to see how this community will grow, and I think it’s really amazing that we can learn together here.

I’m Nat, a freelance writer, not-yet-a-developer - although I love the suggestion from @jesslynnrose to call myself one right from the first line of code. Besides learning here, I’m doing several other IT/CS online programs right now (I admit to having problems with prioritization, and it’s all so cool and new and shiny!).

By the way, @jesslynnrose, I can’t think of a way in which to thank you that would be decently adequate to the amount of work you’re doing, so just thanks. Really. From the bottom of my heart. I wouldn’t be able to afford a bootcamp in a thousand years and now I’m a part of one! Also, you’re a fantastic instructor, plus your voice is so calming and all the things you direct to the newbies are a great antidote for an imposter syndrome. I got so fired up that I’m in Applied Visual Design already. :wink:

And hi @Archisha, I’m happy to meet you here. :slight_smile:


Hello All, I see the train almost left the platform :slight_smile:
My name is Cyprian and I’m hailing from Johannesburg, South Africa. I am a complete novice, so I really hope to gain as much knowledge as I can, and have lots of fun doing it. Looking forward to collaborative learning.

Thank you to all who have made this possible!


I’m so sorry that we don’t have one, but YouTube does make automatic transcripts, if reading what we’ve covered is helpful?

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You can catch up! All the videos are on YouTube and we’ll be so happy to help answer your questions here in the forum!


Yesssss, you’re a developer! A lot of folks have a hard time deciding on what to learn, I like to encourage folks to try to get through the basics and then try out a bunch of things to see what you like best.

Please don’t thank me, this is me being selfish! You all are letting me teach and hang out with you all, which is way better than what I could be doing.

You’re so far ahead! I’m going to be so excited to celebrate with you when you get your certificate!


Cheers for your time doing this JEss!


Hello! I’m late but I made it! I’m Ash and I’m from the US. I don’t know anything about coding, but I’m hoping to learn as much as I can. Thank you for offering this bootcamp!