I’ve been enjoying Scrimba.com Learn JavaScript for free. It starts off by teaching basic JS by working on different web based products. So it’s a fix of what we’re learning here with, I think, the next freeCodeCamp certification.
I like this book for go deep into any topic, I use as a guide or when I try to understand something, apart w3schools or MDN:
David Flanagan / JavaScript - The Definitive Guide: Master the World’s Most-Used Programming Language
Wel explained and a lot of good examples. It seems all is there, lol, old schoold syntax for classes and all (till 2021) the newest syntax.
And this two webs:
for free, well explained and good examples/exercises.
Hi leticiajaime2668007, do you know if Codecademy is completly free?, I’m checking the web and their info but I’m not quite sure, in any case thanks in advance
Codecademy has some free content. With a basic account you can access some of the lessons. As a paid member you can access more content, like projects and certificates. See here: Pricing | Codecademy
A good source to learn, share code, do exercises, read news, and more.
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