Today we will have to do 159 lessons (the second and first item)?

You know, today we are supposed to do all the Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App item in FreeCodeCamp (the link of the course: by today
And Tomorrow people think they will do the second item, Learn Basic CSS by Building a cafe menu, but in the schedule that cohorts give us to follow (the link: Class Central Login) appears that we will do the third item, Learn CSS Color by Building a Set of Colored Markers. So, today we are supposed to do the Learn HTML by Building a cat photo app item and the Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe menu item (together are 159 lessons)?

Today’s video we only went through the first Project, Building a Cat Photo App. So we should finish up the first project (67 lessons) by tomorrow, from the schedule it looks like we will be doing the CSS Cafe Menu (92 Lessons). Then finally on Wednesday looks like we will do the CSS Colors (94 Lessons).

So overall if people want to keep with the videos, over the next three days we will be doing 159 lessons, but I’m guessing you can play catch up for the rest of the week if needed.

I hope that helps