Hi everybody! May you all consider the extension of each weekly stream session? Even we are dealing with 14 sections each week, we still can’t finish all of the sections each session, and we even overrun too. Therefore, may extending the sessions help? Thank you all.
Hey, Max! I’m not sure I understand the question, but the idea of the bootcamp is that each of us can have some guidance, but not a full on synchronous learning. That is, maybe you are faster or maybe your are slower than me, but you can still help me and I can still help you, but you go in your own pace, and I go on mine.
It is sometimes very hard to keep up an online studying schedule when you don’t have a routine, or when there is nobody there to exchange ideas and knowledge. In school, for exemple, you need to go to class everyday or you flank the course. Online, if you don’t log in for a week, there is no teacher to say, ‘hey, come back!’. So the idea here, the way I understand it, is that we can feel as part of a group, and use that as motivation to keep up with the course.
Hope that helped. If I didn’t answer your question, just tell me and I’ll try to help =]
Heya! So we’re going to try and cover as much of the material as we can in streams, but we’re not likely be able to cover every micro-lesson on air. For the parts we don’t cover live, we’ll still support questions here in the forum to help you out if (and when!) you get stuck.
I hope this is helpful? Just like real world web development, some of this you’ll have to try on your own.
Known bug
In the spirit of saving time and energy, for a smooth streaming experience, I wanted to let you know I ran into the bug the developers point out right on the freecodecamp.com web. If you have your theme on dark setting, there’s a glitch that can happen in the CSS portion of the test. I couldn’t get passed this question on colored borders until I changed my screen to a light theme. FYI, it took hours until I saw they say that on the site.
I’ve seen people bashing their head against that problem in the past! Nice to see fCC has a little disclaimer on the site now.
For anyone who didn’t know: fCC has it’s own night mode.
Rebecca, thanks for pointing that out, now I’ll know in advance if I run into any issues.