Hi, thanks for posting that! I am looking at it now and I can see currently 3 tests fail, including one that is css related (media queries). I will update this post with further comments.
Sometimes the test may fool you a bit, giving you a message that does not exactly indicates the problem. In your case, on line 112, just before the main-section with id="Reference"
you forgot to close the previous section.
<p> if (true) { let y = 5; } console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is
not defined</p>
<section class="main-section" id="Reference">
should be
<p> if (true) { let y = 5; } console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is
not defined</p>
<section class="main-section" id="Reference">
also a small tip here, html has a special tag for code and pre-formatted content either <code> ...</code>
or <pre> ... </pre>
would help to make your code stand out and allow for better styling. just a tip.
Then also, you have an unintended space in your id for the 'What you should already know ’ section here, immediately after the you like so: you<space>_
<section class="main-section" id="What_you _should_already_know">
which should be
<section class="main-section" id="What_you_should_already_know">
Then, to make a link work ‘in-page’, the href needs to be preceded by a #
to make the navigation work. You are missing this on all your hrefs. So:
<li><a href="Introduction" class="nav-link">Introduction</a></li>
should read:
<li><a href="#Introduction" class="nav-link">Introduction</a></li>
That solved all the HTML related issues. I assume you had no troubles solving the css requirement for having a media-query. You can easily google that if you need help there.
I think you may have run into a lot of issues trying to solve this challenge directly in the freeCodeCamp editor. Note that it may be helpful to use a tool like VSCode (with syntax highlighting) and sites like codepen.io to see your code better formatted and find missing brackets and the likes easier.
At any rate, I hope this helps Nuraini! Your code is in pretty good shape, just these few gotcha’s. Onwards!