My tribute page

Hey starii, I like the colors you used. Nice design there.

Didn’t check any other links but here is my bare-bones assignment <happy=“halloween”> /warning: site not halloween-themed/:


Hello! Here is my tribute page. Finally was able to complete it after many trials and tribulations. I haven’t been able to make it beautifully viewable on all devices, and that should be the next step (reading all the above comments). Would appreciate any feedback on my page. Cheers!

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My tribute page
Critique it, lemme know how I can make it better


Hi Kay
I really like the font you chose and that you made your image a circle
You might want to try a background color on the body and place the content and or the image in a border and maybe try a box-shadow.

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Hi all, I have really being struggling to get past this stage of the tribute page project. All help will be appreciated. Attached is the link to my codepen.Tribute Page
Many thanks and regards.

No worries now, I was able to figure it out. Thanks.

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