Future Moocs for study group

Hi, are there any plans for the next batch of study groups? I did not sign up for any of the ones after Mountains 101 as I wanted a break but now I have just started doing a Coursera mooc called “Demystifying Mindfulness” and I miss the extra motivation and support given by these forums. Any plans for starting a study group for that course any time soon?


Hey @Kristina,

Thanks for your suggestion. The next batch of study group courses should include FreeCodeCamp’s Responsive Web Design. This one we’re pretty sure. And we’ve reached out to several instructors regarding other potential study groups. But regarding those, nothing’s sure yet.


Ok, thanks for the quick response. See you in another study group in the near future :slight_smile:

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yes, this one is good. I took it a while ago and was a community mentor for this class for a few months…then I became inactive and decided to leave…! I like to practice mindfulness and meditate daily. A nice class, good meditations integrated into the class. lectures.