Dr. Nimesh will be joining us next week, this is a post to ask your questions so he can address them.
As mentioned in his bio
He is an astrophysicist and a project engineer working for the Submillimeter Array, since 1994, and the Greenland Telescope, since 2012. His research interests include molecular astrophysics, evolved stars, interstellar medium, star-formation and astrophysical masers, radio interferometry, high-speed analog to digital conversion, antenna pointing and metrology. He is an instructor for the Harvard undergraduate laboratory astrophysics course, Astronomy 191 and is involved in the development of various educational projects for 21 cm wavelength radio astronomy. He is also a member of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration and participating in the development of the Next Generation EHT.
His current work on the Greenland telescope is explored in this Documentary made by Taiwan TV.
Have a great week and stay safe!