Homework day 1

I need your help on get started I just registered a few moment ago.

That’s the spirit, well done bash :+1::+1:

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Homework day 1 - I am done :+1:t2:

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Hi Teddy welcome onboard, watch day 1 & day 2 lessons on YouTube, then complete the homework tasks for both days.

Done.I so very interesting.

Nope - no matter what I do I am stuck on Step 51, it just won’t pass even though I have gone over and over it:

Next, you are going to add some new form input elements, so add another fieldset element directly below the current fieldset element.

Thanks so much bro​:partying_face::partying_face:

Hi just signed up - does anyone know if we are able to view missed classes in order to catch up? Thank you!

Yes its done , everything takes time but at the end its done and dusted :slight_smile:

I finished mine too…:)))
lmk if you guys need help

Just add <fieldset></fieldset> to line 42 after the closing fieldset.

Thank you that’s a great help

Finally, complete my Day 1

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Guys I need help cos my PC doesn’t login to freecode camp I don’t know wat wrong with my system

Are you able to see the FCC forum at this link?
Latest freeCodeCamp Support topics - The freeCodeCamp Forum

If you can see that page, then try reading some of the topics other people have posted there related to login problems. Or if you’re able to join the forum, that would be the best place to ask for technical help on accessing the FreeCodeCamp website.

Hi! I’ve completed the homework for Day 1.

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Pls guys need help still I can’t access my project pages on PC …

I finish the first HW :grinning:

What’s the error it shows? Can you send a screenshot? The only thing I see is an extra space after Outdoor (shouldn’t be a problem)