Basic JavaScript Day 1: Homework

Hey JavaScripters!

Great job today! :purple_heart: I want to say what a joy it’s to go on this journey with you. Today has been a lot, and you’re doing amazing.

:loudspeaker: Quick reminder about homework for the next session!
Tomorrow we’ll start with the exercise Finding a Remainder in JavaScript , so your homework is to do the exercises until that point:

Remember folks, you’re not alone.
Don’t hesitate to seek help in the #js-help Discord channel or on the forum!

Be sure to collaborate, stay hydrated and get plenty of rest!!!

We’re all in this together!
Happy Coding!
#PatPat :raised_back_of_hand:


Hey Ramon,

Today’s class was really amazing but I don’t know I am not able to log in to as I am not receiving any sign in code. Please help me so that I can continue with Homework.


Thanks, Ibrahim, but I’m so sorry you’ve been having trouble!

Is it possible the sign in code is landing in your spam folder?

I also read online that it’s possible to have duplicate accounts from previous sign ins, and you’ll need to contact support.

Hope this helps!

Thank you Ramon… I checked Spam folder also but didn’t receive anything. I sent email to support and waiting for their response.

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Dear Ramon,

homeWork is Done.

#PatPat :raised_back_of_hand:


I am also facing an issue logging to freecodecamp. Is it a temporary issue?

Hi, you shouldn’t be! If you’re facing issues, I would suggest emailing their support. You can find the address in the link I posted

Dear Ramon ,

Assignment Done


Buen día. Quisiera saber si puedo ver el video en cualquier horario porque el horario que figura el youtube con la transmisión en directo es a las 4 am en mi país y me es imposible en ese horario y además si tiene subtitulos porque está en Inglés y no manejo el idioma. Perdón cuando me inscribí no aclaraba estos detalles. Gracias

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Done :vulcan_salute: Thanks a gain for the session


Thanks Ramon…Homework completed!!


Hola buen día, si es posible visualizar las grabaciones de las transmisiones, en mi caso las transmisiones me aparecen de 2-3AM, sin embargo los videos al parecer estarán disponibles en ingles, una opción que puede ayudar es configurar para que muestre los ejercicios en español

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Hi Ramon! Thanks for taking your time to explain to us during the live session, Please can I get the link to join the discord server for this bootcamp?


Hola Bety,

Gracias por inscribirte y perdona por favor que no haya estado claro que el curso sería en inglés.

Como bien lo dijo @luisfelipemej2603079 los videos están en inglés, pero sin embargo creo que los subtitulos se traducen automáticamente.

Y la plataforma freeCodeCamp tiene materiales en español.

Te deseo mucha suerte y cualquier cosita por favor pidenosla!

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Hey there!

You should find the discord link through the dashboard for the bootcamp.

Here’s the link, just in case.


Joined Successfully…Thank You!

Assignment Done!


Whoa, you went above and beyond, nice one!

Hope you’ll be there to answer some questions tomorrow!


Hi Ramon,
Done the homework


Then, try the signing in with Google option or you can use GithHub account to sign in if you have one. Thanks.

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