The first step is to have an idea of what you want your main color to be and grab the hex code for it.
I decided I wanted to use #FCC0C5, which is a warm pink color. Now you take your hex code and use it to generate several color pallets you can use in your website design.
Using #FCC0C5
Try your own colors
This is very cool, and a pretty site.
I’d recommend keeping colors to a minimum and a great way to do that is via shades:
Just my 2c!
Good stuff @Starii @matthewrawlin2592434! Thanks for sharing.
Class Central’s brand + UI color system uses shades and tints in a similar way. I’m likewise a fan of that approach.
We have our core brand colors:
And for our UI color palette, where we need more flexibility depending on the context, we use an expanded palette with shades and tints:
Yes! I have it bookmarked now. I’m definitely going to be going back to it regularly. I’m trying to do this with my product landing page project. I don’t wanna overwhelm the page with too many colors, especially since the pink I chose is pretty bright!
Me too! It just helps bring everything together.
Thank you for sharing, cool colors!